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The Rector We Seek

Christ Church is known as a welcoming, accepting parish with a lively, diverse congregation. We worship and work together in an atmosphere of inspiration and mutual respect, and we seek a leader who will help us to more fully realize and actualize the gifts God has given to each one of us.

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The areas of congregational life that will require our next rector’s greatest leadership include:

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  1. Maintaining Christ Church as a faith-filled, welcoming, and joyful place. Expand/Contract

    There are many aspects of Christ Church that are working well. It is important that we maintain, nurture, and sustain what we have created together while being open to continued growth.

    We are a healthy, joyful community led by the Holy Spirit. We take God seriously without taking ourselves too seriously. We are a dedicated group of people. We pitch in to get work done while maintaining a sense of playfulness and cooperation. Part of our strength lies in our value of fellowship and multi-generational interaction. We strive to create an atmosphere of inclusion, one that welcomes and values each person. We understand the importance of building and maintaining connections both internally and within the community at large. Therefore, outreach is vital to us, whether we strive to serve the disadvantaged or to invite area youth to participate in our annual theater production.

  2. Providing diverse and uplifting liturgical experiences. Expand/Contract

    Our worship experience is a high priority for us.

    Valuing tradition, we have also grown to appreciate variety in our liturgical experience. We have created non-traditional, contemplative, and interactive services in addition to our traditional Sunday morning worship. Our small chapel is always open for those seeking sacred space for prayer and meditation. We experience a rich variety of liturgies during Holy Week, Easter and Christmas, including multi-generational involvement from the congregation.

    We hope to call a rector who:
    • provides sermons that are thoughtful and relevant, with messages that connect scriptural wisdom to contemporary daily life
    • values creativity, variety, and spontaneity
    • continues to encourage participation of the laity in our liturgy
    • challenges us to grow as a spiritual people
    • values sacred music, enhancing our worship experience

    Our new rector will provide leadership to expand liturgical offerings while respecting our traditions.

  3. Deepening and broadening congregational engagement by inspiring and empowering its members. Expand/Contract

    Harnessing the strength of our community is what keeps us a vital, passionate congregation. We realize that we have a rich reservoir of talent at Christ Church and we encourage members to match their gifts and talents to opportunities for ministry.

    We have a solid foundation and recognize the need for continual renewal and growth. Some areas that we have identified for further development are:
    • opportunities for lay leadership
    • connections and contact between the people who attend the two Sunday services
    • multi-generational contact
    • giving and stewardship
    • pastoral care opportunities within our parish community

    We want to encourage people to participate in our existing ministries as well as create new ones that fit into our larger vision and mission.

  4. Strengthening Christian formation and deepening our understanding of the Gospel and its relevance in our lives. Expand/Contract

    A cornerstone of Christ Church is Christian formation, the foundational development of children, teens, younger and older adults, and clergy.

    We continually offer various opportunities for spiritual formation, striving to create both age-specific and multi-generational offerings. We have a strong commitment to our youth and their involvement in the life of Christ Church.

    As an important part of congregational life, the rector we seek will foster clergy, staff and laity to expand the depth and breadth of our:
    • education programs
    • youth theater
    • service and outreach opportunities
    • multi-generational activities

    We recognize the need to have permanent structures and staff in place that will ensure the sustainability of these and many other programs moving forward.

  5. Administering a large and multi-faceted parish. Expand/Contract

    The administrative health and vitality of a church requires strong leadership.

    There are many aspects of administrative leadership necessary to form an interlocking whole that becomes the foundation of operations. This should include fiscal responsibility, visibility and outreach in the community, open and transparent communications, and a vision for our future.

    We expect that our next rector will:
    • balance administrative and pastoral concerns
    • empower the membership
    • delegate tasks as appropriate
    • set the tone for the parish by listening to multiple and diverse voices
    • make tough decisions after listening to input
    • manage conflict and resolve it skillfully

    In addition, we believe that this person will:
    • possess warmth, compassion, and a sense of humor, using these to nurture the vestry, staff, and lay leadership to reach their greatest potential
    • understand the importance of technology and be comfortable using it to help sustain the parish.

    We realize that any facility requires on-going maintenance, and we need a leader who understands the issue of managing buildings and grounds in cooperation with our lay leaders.

Desired Qualifications of the Rector We Seek:

We believe that the following characteristics identify the talents and passions of the next rector called to Christ Church:
  • Has strength of faith, lived through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and with humility, humor, and a generous spirit
  • Is a gifted preacher
  • Is liturgically grounded in tradition and willing to incorporate new forms of worship into the liturgical experience
  • Has a desire and ability to work with all age groups
  • Has skills to: lead us in uncertain times, think outside the box, deal with crises, resolve conflict effectively, and make difficult decisions
  • Appreciates music as a part of prayerful worship and supports other music programs
  • Empowers lay people through listening, encouraging people’s passions, and creating an atmosphere of inclusion

Several people mentioned that we wanted to find someone who could walk on water, but we stopped short of putting this on our list!

This page was last modified on: Feb 13, 2012